
I have really been digging into Jesus’s words, especially those given to those whom he showed himself to in the Americas (3 Nephi: 9, 11), similar to the sermon of the Mount as recorded in Matthew. What struck me about his words was how often he used the word “give” and how much he was willing to give to us. Then I started to notice the word “become,” and how much he wants to help us become like him.

Going to the temple is something I do often, in which I usually enter rooms with an altar representing Jesus Christ. It is over the alter that I have made sacred covenants with the Lord, to follow his commandments, and live the way he would have me live.

Two days ago I was finishing up my day teaching and had some time with students to help them study their vocabulary. The first vocab word was “Alter”, and in my mind, I pictured the alter which I kneel at to make covenants. To my surprise the student spoke the definition as “to change, or modify”.

This stopped me in my tracks. I stood in perfect stillness while the spirit taught me.

The whole point of entering into a covenant relationship with the Lord is to “become” something different through him. He gave his life, he put it on the alter of sacrifice, so that I could change, and become something different, something better, in fact hopefully the best version of myself, more like Jesus.

Now, when I see the alters of the temple, I see them as a gift of my becoming.






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