Jazz, Wheels and Blessings from God

This has been a miraculous summer. I had so many needs and God has provided all.

I have been a personal witness to Gods abundance (enough for today, tomorrow, for the rest of your life). I used to be stuck in the mindset “I don’t have the money”. This kept me trapped. Since learning to trusts in God abundance, to act in faith moving forward trusting in Gods blessings and ability to provide for me, today, tomorrow, for the rest of my life. I am never stressed about money, and I have everything I need and want.

I have been praying and asking for help all the along the way and God has given specific answers to prayer with guidance how and where to spend money, what to do with my time and provided the funds in the very moment of need.

At the beginning of summer, I counseled with God, asking him if I should get a job, as I had no steady or sure income. He said “Your job is to build your business.” So I moved forward in faith, not knowing how it was going to work, but knowing from experience, when I do what the Lord tells me to, it always works out.

For my new business Ensemble Jazz Experience I needed money for a website, business cards and brochures and a week in Maryland D.C. to complete my jazz teacher training.

First things first. I needed a new website hosting plan to run two websites. Upon inquiry I was able to catch a sale on website hosting prices saving $200 and bluehost refunded me $76 from my previous annual fee from two months prior. *BLESSINGS *

To save money and and stay true to my DIY fashion, I decided to build the website myself. I was introduced to unlimited live wordpress support through bluehost for $150. This would help me build a sexy website but I didn’t have $150 budgeted for this. I was down to $76 in my bank account and I had no solid future income. The last time I payed off my credit card, the Lord told me to not get in debt again. In the moment of decision, I prayed asking for guidance. Should use my credit card to pay for this website service, even though I didn’t know how I would pay if off? The Lord let me know it would be okay to use my credit card for this expense. AND NO KIDDING – as I was checking my email for the confirmation to the wordpress service, I noticed another email alerting me of and unexpected inheritance from Grandma. WHAT?  are you SERIOUS? That’s a blessing. GAME ON! I had the funding!

With this inheritance I was able to pay for the website, business cards, brochures and had money for my trip to Maryland. I was also able to get my saxophone repaired, and essential supplies for my business that I have gone without for the last 7 years. (God started this whole adventure of starting this business in the first place, of course he will provide the way.)

The last thing I really needed and have been feeling prompted to get is a car. The lord has let me know that I would hate Portland less if I had a car. (I’m still getting over not living in NYC)

Once I got back from my incredible week in Maryland completing my Teacher training at the Summer Maryland Jazz Fest (working with 90 adult amateur musicians and 9 incredible staff instructors) I started looking for a car even though I would have to go in debt.

I test drove used cars from car lots – nothing felt right. One late night I was looking on craigslist for a set of computer speakers, (which I found) and decided to do a quick search for used cars.  Wouldn’t you know it – there was a listing for a 2002 Hyundai accent with 150,000 miles. Scratches and dings but reliable. $550. Located 60 miles away in Colton, OR. I felt prompted by the spirit of God to move forward and look at this car.I

I borrowed my sisters car and drove to Colton, for a test drive. I felt the peace of Gods spirit the whole time I waited to meet up with the seller.  He finally to the meeting place but wouldn’t let me test drive it because the car was currently uninsured and I didn’t have insurance either. So I sat in the passengers seat. Sounded good and seemed smooth. I told him I wanted it but I had to get some money.

I still had questions and had to get some money. I drove to my brothers. We discussed my concerns and as I prayed again to the Lord, the confirming of his peaceful spirit entered my heart and I knew this was a good purchase, to move forward and the Lord would work it all out. So I took a personal loan from my brother and drove back to pay for the car and pick up the keys and title.

(Oh, check this out: The car needs an alignment, but has new tires in the trunk waiting to be mounted to car after alignment. I called Firestone, right now, they have a sale on lifetime unlimited alignments for $160. That’s within the money I have left over from the money my brother fronted me for the car and initial expenses. – talk about blessings.)

At the beginning of the summer when I asked the Lord if I should get a job, he said “Your job is to build your business.” The Lord provides. I am a witness to living the law of tithing and trusting in Gods abundance.

I am grateful to know that God knows and loves me personally and he want’s to bless me. I am thankful to be able to have a personal relationship with God. He really has opened so many doors and provided me with every needful thing. Not only does he provide money, he also provides the time and opportunity.

Now that I am here in Beaverton, oddly enough, God has been confirming to me that I am to do music here. Above all things, I am free to do that very thing he has given me to do.  Last week as I was fasting and praying, the Lord poured out his spirit upon me letting me know to move forward and focus on music, practicing, building my business, playing out, listening to music, and living my chosen path. I am alive again.

God is Good. God is Abundant. God is Real. Come to know for yourself.






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