I have returned to meditation*.
As I sit, and observe my breath, the sounds, being in my body, simple joy and love arises within. I do nothing. This gift is always present.
How is it so? I did nothing, I just stopped. Sitting I allow for that which is always constant to present itself, in undistracted stillness.
Now I recognized this is the presence of God within myself, within every form of creation. A gift from God, the universe, the divine, the great creator whom I recognize to be Jesus Christ.
I renounce the rat race in my mind and allow more space for the love, gentleness and grace to flower from within.
I can really only do one thing at a time anyway.
All thanks be to the most High God.
*This is a simple practice. I come to a seated position, and for 5 minutes or more, I simply pay attention to first my breathing, the sounds around me, my body, and observe my thoughts, as a watcher with no judgement or attachment. I simply notice myself.
I may suggest:
Any mindfulness book by Thick Nhat Hanh, Zen Mind Beginners mind by Shunryu Suzuki, the words of Eckert Tolle and Pema Chodren, and a million others.
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