I want share my heart filled gratitude to all those who attended my show last night. You were an answer to my prayers.
I days have been so full and I found myself left with very little time to properly promote my show with much advance notice. I needed 32 paying attendees so I could pay the members of the rhythm section. This is the number I prayed about and gave to the Lord asking for his help.
5 days before the gig I was able to make a poster and put the event on facebook and send out individual and small group emails to friends, students and my email list. It was easy and fun. Guess what? I counted more than 32 people from my church family alone. THANK YOU EVERYONE! What a blessing you are to me
I am going to share with you the miracles that have recently unfolded. I guess this is more like a journal entry. I know that the recent blessings in my life have come from attending the temple more and studying the conference talks every free moment I have. My life is blessed by those who walk a covenant path unto God.
Miracles happened last night. I needed to have it video recorded and photographed. So I prayed and was directed to reach out to Jerome Beesley. I didn’t know if he had the equipment or not. I sent out a message to him early in the morning, heard nothing back. Low and behold he shows up just on time and sets up a video recorder and shoots the whole night. THANK YOU JEROME! My friend Ryan showed up and brought his camera (old school style – with film and everything) and got some shots of us.
This summer when I quite my day job, as directed by the Lord, I told him I needed it to be easy. I needed him to show me how to do it. I have tried being a working musician in times past and its always like hitting my head against a wall to make it work. It’s hard to find venues to play, its hard to find the right musicians and its hard to get people to come out, attend and it’s also financially challenging because the musicians need to get paid too. It’s hard to get enough students. It can just be a huge struggle.
The Lord has stepped in and changed all of that.
First the doors of heaven opened through teaching at Beaverton High. I have had a large increase in private students. The band director decided to really start pushing private lessons, and people are coming out of the woodwork to study with me. I have done NOTHING. This has been the Lord.
I started booking my band because the Lord directed to do so. So I did. Our first gig was in August. I found some players (not the guys you saw last night). In a nut shell, they where not up to par. I had no desire to put in all the effort required to get them up to snuff. For various reasons, they all let me know they where not available for further gigs. That was a blessing. The guitarist referred me to the Todd the Drummer, who referred everyone else. I did know Cameron from before and was thankful he was able to do the gig.
I didn’t pick them out, this is what the Lord did. Because He is mighty. Its been easy. This band is easy and right. They sound great don’t they?
Hear is the final miracle of the night. I have been needing a high quality portable recording device. the one I have been thinking about is the Zoom Recorder. Last night after the gig I went out to eat with two friends. I brought this up at dinner and on of my friends had a high quality mostly unused zoom recorder. She has been using one of my saxophone mouthpieces for two years and she wanted to trade the zoom for the mouthpiece. WHAT!?! how is this possible.
I marvel at the Lords incredible direction and involvement in my life.
I have found great truth In the words given at this conference. I know the Lord really want’s us to step into his flow and stream of living and that the doors will be opened to us. I am amazed at how much the Lord is able to accomplish. Thank you for being apart of this process with me. I know the Lord lives and he really does want us to be happy.
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