As I teach saxophone and other instruments in a variety of settings, the main tool that holds a band together, or a soloist to play in time is the metronome. A metronome evenly and precisely clicks on the beat. This is referred to as keeping time. It is not uncommon for people to struggle with keeping steady time on their own. For some beginners, it is very difficult to learn to play with a metronome at all.
Sometimes in a band setting its easy to follow along with the person next to you. To watch how they are fingering and something and mimic that, instead of learning to read music and understand what’s going on for themselves. This works for a bit to keep people on the right path, but it is not sustainable.
I was teaching private lesson last week, working with an individual who had no internal sense of time. They where not even able to play along with the metronome. It occurred to me that the student needed to find a way to feel time on the inside. It must be internalized. If one is unable put the beat, or music on the inside, it cannot come out to be shared. I personally have spend years practicing with a metronome as it frees me up and help me attain my next goal and to things the technical precision.
The benefits of playing with a metronome are many. First our internal since of time improves. It gives us an anchor. We have sense of something steady to focus on to free us up to have time/space to learn at a slow tempo. When are going fast it helps keep on track. When we play with a metronome is helps us build good habits.
I have really started thinking about this principle of things being on the inside of me.
Two specific things came to mind. I was thinking about living by the spirit and the being filled with the love of God for others. This is nothing I can pretend to do. Like learning an instrument watching the person next to you for all the right fingerings can get you moving, but it is not sustainable.
This is what I love about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love that there is a clear and precise way back. I love that I have something I can hold onto in my practice of living. Just as a musician, the metronome keeps me on track, gives me something to aim for and if I truly line up with the metronome I am correct in my execution and I know that I have done it right. This feels good! The more I practice with a metronome the more my own internal time is correct, the more I can rely upon my own abilities.
As a homosexual I actively attend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints. In my practice of living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and restored in the LDS church, I find the same principles of following the metronome to be true. If I really have my truth on the inside, it can come out.
The time of faking it is over friends.
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