Category: News
Cross Examination
I love the people that show up randomly in my world. Everyone teaches me something. I have learned a few valuable things lately about language, action and speaking positively. It brought me to ask myself a few questions today. If I profess to love others, what in my daily actions prove this? Can I increase the…
Flowers in the Heart
The Tiptons played our last gig at the Icehouse in Minneapolis on Thursday. All week I have been contemplating the words a friend gave me, “Weeds grow in my head and the flowers grow in my heart.” I have spent many years training my body, and teaching my mind to play saxophone. Trying to become the best musician I could…
Update on life and my autobiography “Reconciliation” my life journey as a gay mormon
Greetings from Missouri where the grass is always green and there is always something to do. June 7th I permanently left New York City to live with my dad for the summer and to finish my autobiography “Reconciliation”. This book is the story of my life journey as a Gay Mormon. My hope is that is can be a…
The Love of God
My Sisters and Brothers, yes that is you. I have come to a place of deep honesty in myself this morning. A deep humbleness as well. If i can do any good in this life it is to share love that God has for all of us. We had a great lesson in church on…
No where to run, No where to hide.
My mind and heart have been filled with concern over the new Handbook policy change in the Church which outlines new guidelines for the lay leaders. I first heard about it from my boss. She read it in the New York Times. Not a good way to hear about this. Handbook 1 is strictly for…
Why I stay
There seems to be a lot of reasons to leave my church. There are a lot of voices out there that are telling me because I am Gay and Female that I don’t belong, there is no place for me. I believed them for a while, but I wasn’t happier for it. This morning I…
Just Receive
Two weeks ago I was at the Family History Center in Brooklyn, working on a presentation that I would be giving at the Youth Conference Aug 21. As I was deep in concentration preparing my message, some friends stopped by to bring me some gifts. My friends where in a great mood and ready to fellowship and…
Integrated life
I had the best conversation with a delivery customer last night. Every time I deliver food to this blessed saint, I always depart with gratitude for my life and the life that we are all collectively experiencing. We stared talking about the stories of our life and how it’s important to share our stories to…
Upcoming: March/April 2015
Now that the snow has melted and I am relieved of all shoveling duties, I can move forward in making music! My residency continues at Red Lantern Bicycles on alternating Thursdays, the Circus Amok Band comes together twice this month, and The Tiptons are also headed off for another European adventure from April 15- May…
New Song of the week
This is a Lullaby for Solana. I decided to free myself of writing any specific kind of music. Now I am just writing. I felt inspired by Cristal and Solana. Such love a mother has for her baby, I can’t even fathom. Thank you Cristal for being bold in this world and having courage to…