Hear him
Yesterday many friends reached out to me with well wishes on my birthday. Before this, I woke up thinking about having a bowl or Raisin Bran cereal and wishing I could see my friends Amber and Matt. I was missing them and wanted to make contact. I cannot remember a birthday quite like this, in isolation and overlapping the events leading up to the most triumphant events in history.
Today is Good Friday. It was on this day in Jerusalem 2000 years ago that Jesus Christ was sentenced to crucifixion to satisfy the demands of the religious leaders of the time. This was only several hours after Jesus Christ atoned for our sins by experienced infinite agony in the garden of Gethsemane, where he took upon himself, and felt, all the pain, sin, suffering, and hardship of every person to live upon the earth, yes, you and I included. This is when God become at one with us.
On Sunday, we celebrate Easter, the day Jesus claimed power over physical death for himself and for all who have or will come to earth.
In living a sinless life (he was baptized to fulfill all righteousness) Christ fulfilled his mission by atoning for our sins, so that through faith on Jesus Christ and repentance we can be free of sin. He overcome death so all humans will be resurrected to stand before God in our bodies, as they are now. All will all be resurrected, but not everyone will choose to follow Jesus Christ, hear his voice have faith, repent unto baptism and follow his commandments.
Today, I am following the prophet, Russel M. Nelson and joining others across the world with faith in Jesus Christ for a 24 hour fast (no water or food) to call upon God to bless all the care takers and first responders of those afflicted with the coronavirus; that they will be strengthened and that God will hear our prayers and abate the spread of the coronavirus and life may normalize according to his will.
As I prayed to start my fast yesterday, and as I continue today in prayer I am struck by the great sense that the Lord is chastening us. God wants our attention and he is calling upon us to hear his voice, to hear him and to come unto him and be his people.
My friends, I am going to raise my voice. Because now is a time to choose. The Lord has promised he will return to the earth. Jesus Christ was the creator of the earth, as directed by his Father. He came to earth to save mankind and long has been the fortelling of his return to earth; to rule and reign; as spoken by his holy prophets as recorded in Holy scripture. As we now see, it’s not only people that testify of the return of the Great Jehovah, but the signs in nature and in the earth.
If we as a people do not turn to our God the creator and savior Jesus Christ, and seek to follow him, in prayer, scripture study and righteous living, repenting of our sins, calamities will increase. Pestilence, plagues, tempest, whirlwinds, earthquakes and every other form of disturbance will increase throughout the land and God will show his hand. This pandemic of the Caronavirus is just a little wake up call to everyone.
If you question the existence of God, and don’t know if God is real, let me ask you, how much are you doing to see if He is real? Are spending time seeking by studying Holy scripture? are you seeking him in prayer with a sincere heart? Are you looking to hear his voice? If not, why not? No, you can’t just google this one. And no one can do it for you. The time to prepare to meet God is now. Because you and I will surely stand before him, in our bodies, to be judged according to what we did with our time and energy.
Yesterday, on my birthday, I saw proof that God lives. As I had wished, my friends Amber and Matt showed up on my back patio with birthday card in hand. I had wanted to see them. And there they stood as an answer to my felt but unspoken prayer. God knows the desires of our hearts and he blesses me richly. Credit has to be given to Amber and Matt for listened to the prompting in the their hearts.
I am grateful to to see the hand of God in all things. It brings me such joy to see him in the details of my life. Yes, God loves me enough to send a friend on my birthday. And as for the Raisin Bran, my sister sent me money to go buy some. Which I will have after I end this fast.
God lives. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the living God. He will return to the earth to rule and reign. He will protect his people, if we follow his commandments and come unto Him. How grateful I am to live in this dispensation, where the gospel and church of Jesus Christ has been restored again and is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – Day Saints.
I testify and witness that Jesus Christ lives, he loves us. He will return. How do you want to experience these final days before his Return? In fear, or in faith?
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