My Sisters and Brothers, yes that is you. I have come to a place of deep honesty in myself this morning. A deep humbleness as well. If i can do any good in this life it is to share love that God has for all of us. We had a great lesson in church on sunday about sharing the Gospel. And we only share the gospel because we have experienced the love of God in our life. I have indeed experienced many great blessings and the boundless love of God in my life. My heart is for everyone to experience love and happiness, not as the world gives it, but as God gives it.
I have been depressed lately and haven’t had the impetus to open my mouth. I am ready for that to change. We are promised that when we testify of truth we will be filled with the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us. This is my prayer.
I know that God is alive. His Son, Jesus Christ came to earth to teach us of eternal truths of God and his love. Yes there are many great teachers and prophets who come to earth to teach us. We ourselves can be teachers of this truths as well, but Jesus is different. He is not just a prophet, but the literal Son of God. Pray about this. He came to earth to set and example for us. He lived a sin free life. He lived with perfect love that never wavered. His culminating act of love was to take upon him, my sins. Then, so I can live with Father in Heaven again, he was crucified, died, then over came death. He took his body from the grave and continued to teach. Because he broke the bands of death, I too will be resurrected and stand before God. If I live according to the example of Jesus with Love, and all righteousness then standing before God will be a pleasure.
I am still trying to understand the power of the resurrection. Somethings we cant really understand until we experience it. Maybe I just gotta wait for that.
May we all be blessed to love each other as God loves us. May you please remind me about this love when I am tired, hungry and lost my patience. I love you.