To share love is the greatest gift

I had an eye opening conversation last night with a good friend of mine who is an atheist. She grew up that way and expressed how the idea of God seemed strange to her. I on the other hand, being raised christian in the LDS Church, when I considered the lack of Gods existence, that seemed equally strange to me. The one thing we agreed on however was the essential need for us to love and care for each other as a human family.

She expressed how the christians she knew were very judgmental and not very nice. “They follow a make believe book that gives them the right to be judgmental.” She pointed out, and gave several examples of people we both knew, who spoke unkindly about the poor, homeless, those living off welfare, the homosexuals and trans folk. How sad.

We then talked about Jesus, and how He associated and took time with and loved everyone from the leaper, the prostitutes, enemy samaritan woman, the poor, the publicans, sinners and those educated in the faith. Jesus himself was probably homeless for much of his ministry. He spent his whole ministry teaching us how to love one another.

I hope that I am able to live in a way that invites Gods love to fill me with love for others. I have really tried these past six months to get outside of my own head, to seek for any and every opportunity to help others by lending a hand, sharing kind and positive words or to simply listen. For what good is my religion if I go to church, learn of these things, and am not changed?

My aim has been to learn more about Christ, to bring him into the center of my life by following his example and commandments which is to love and serve others.

“If any man among you seem to be religions, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. Pure relation and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.  James 1:26-27

Who else in your life needs a visit, or help in any way?

As I put others first, I find that I am happier and have more purpose in my life. When I serve others, I feel I come to know and love them better. It’s been a pretty cool experience. Something I want to experience everyday.

God loves each of us so much, and there is so much hurt in the world, because we are allowing judgement and hurtful words to perpetuate unnecessary pain and suffering. This has got to stop people.

When I decide to serve those around me, seek and find opportunities to lovingly serve, I am blessed with the love of God. This is a principle that everyone can experience, whether you go to church, call yourself religious or not. When we follow correct principles, we will be blessed in our life.

Here is an inspired talk by Thomas S. Monson, about the transforming power of sharing love.

Thanks for reading. I love you.





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