Update on life and my autobiography “Reconciliation” my life journey as a gay mormon

Greetings from Missouri where the grass is always green and there is always something to do.

June 7th I permanently left New York City to live with my dad for the summer and to finish my autobiography “Reconciliation”.  This book is the story of my life journey as a Gay Mormon.  My hope is that is can be a benefit to others who struggle with this very issue personally or as a friend or family member.  Everyone has something to reconcile.  We are all apart of the same journey.  This is just my story and how I came to reconcile being Mormon and Gay.  If you would like to get a copy, please fill in your information below.

Back to life… Not only am I working on my book but I am finding great joy in helping out with the sundry of projects here. From gardening, using the tractor, cutting rebar with a blow torch, replacing breaks on the van, canning, pickling, building up the bank on the pond to more gardening, there is always something to do here in Missouri.  Next week I am going to learn how to weld.  That will be extra fun!  I have been wanting dad to teach me this for 28 years!  Dreams come true people!

The end of September I will be moving toPortland Oregon where I will be near to my bother, sister, cousins, aunt and uncle.  I grew up and realized that family is important to me.

Back to the book…  If you want a copy, please add your information below and I also have a 3 minute survey I would be honored if you would complete.  10 questions.  This is to help get me published.

Thank you!  Happy Summer.

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